Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Conclusions and Achieving Goals

It's been a few weeks since my last blog and we have been busy, busy! AVT, hearing aid adjustments, more hearing tests, discussions, and a visit from Nana and Grandpops, all the way from England.

Isobel is doing brilliantly, she is jabbering away pretty much constantly, it's funny how we find ourselves having to ask her to be quiet!

Who would have thought it?

The adjustment to the hearing aid has helped with the lower frequency sounds and she is beginning to correct words when she hears them repeated correctly.
Unfortunately, it has had an affect on her high frequency hearing, this has dropped off a little.

Now we know for certain that we have reached the limitations of the hearing aids. We are all in agreement. Isobel will have to have surgery and have a cochlear implant fitted. She will only be getting the right side fitted and she will continue to wear a hearing aid on her left side.

Her Cochlear implantation surgery is scheduled for August, about a week after we return from our Summer vacation in England.

It has been great to have had the time to explore all the options before coming to this point and we're ready to move forward. The relief to all be on the same page regarding Isobel's next steps in indescribable.

We had a great AVT session over the weekend and we got to reflect on the goals that Isobel was set in January. It was so good to be ticking off things that she can do and say, looking at the sheet, it was incredible to see how much she has achieved in such a small amount of time. Here is the first half of the goals, we'll look at the other half during our next session.

It is so nice to be able to chat with her and have her understand most of what we are saying. Mostly, it is lovely to hear her chatting away to Molly (doll formerly known as Special Ears), singing songs and sharing books with any-one willing to listen.

Are you sitting comfortably?