Hearing Checklist

Infant/Toddler Hearing ChecklistParents are often the first people to sense that their child has a hearing problem. It is important to recognize the signs of hearing loss in infants and toddlers as early as possible. The most critical period for speech and language development is from birth to four years of age.

All infants and toddlers can be given a thorough hearing evaluation. Observe your child's development from infancy on. The following are age appropriate behaviors for infants and toddlers. If you suspect a problem, do not delay in getting your child's hearing tested. It's never too early to ask.

Does your baby:

Birth to 4 months:

  1. Awaken or stir at loud sounds?
  2. Startle at loud noises?
  3. Calm at the sound of a familiar voice?
  4. Respond to your voice (smiles or coos)?
4 to 9 months:
  1. Turn eyes toward source of familiar sounds?
  2. Smile when spoken to?
  3. Notice rattles and other sound-making toys?
  4. Cry differently for different needs?
  5. Make babbling sounds?
  6. Seem to understand simple word/hand motions such as "bye-bye" with a wave?
9 to 15 months:
  1. Babble a lot of different sounds?
  2. Respond to his/her name?
  3. Respond to changes in your tone of voice?
  4. Say "ma-ma" or "da-da"?
  5. Understand simple requests?
  6. Repeat some sounds you make?
  7. Use his/her voice to attract attention?
15-24 months:
  1. Point to familiar objects when they are named?
  2. Listen to stories, songs and rhymes?
  3. Follow simple commands?
  4. Use several different words?
  5. Point to body parts when asked?
  6. Name common objects?
  7. Put two or more words together?
You should see most of the behaviors listed above at approximately the age ranges shown. If you do not, contact the PAMF Center for Hearing Health to schedule a hearing evaluation for your child.

Preschool & Older Hearing Checklist

It is important to observe your child for any signs of potential hearing loss.

Does your child:

  1. Turn up the volume of the TV excessively high?
  2. Respond inappropriately to questions?
  3. Not reply when you call him/her?
  4. Watch others to imitate what they are doing?
  5. Have articulation problems or speech/language delays?
  6. Have problems academically?
  7. Complain of earaches, ear pain or head noises?
  8. Have difficulty understanding what people are saying?
  9. Seem to speak differently from other children his or her age?
While these signs don't necessarily mean that your child has a hearing problem, they could be indicators of one.

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