Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Goldilocks with Gusto

Stories are becoming a big thing in our house. The girls have always liked books but now they are really enjoying the stories.
One of them is Goldilocks and the Three bears. Only when we read it, it has to be Goldilocks and Apa Bear, Mama Bear and Estella Bear.

It is so popular that Isobel often likes to give us the abbreviated version. As always it is delivered with passion and ever so slightly dramatically!

So, as you see, it begins with introductions and ends with shouting.

Just like any other day really!

Another thing that Isobel really likes to do is to be the teacher. Once she has finished her Ling 6 using just her implant, it is only fair that Estella be tested.

I really like the way she claps when Estella gets it right and she finishes the test with a 'very good girl!'

Perhaps an auditory verbal therapist is training...