Sunday 19 February 2012


Where has the time gone? We have had such a busy time lately!

We had Isobel's AV Therapist out to visit us here in Korea and what a week we had. Intensive! She went to school with Isobel each day and provided well received tips and advice on how to help Isobel. We had afternoon sessions that lasted around 90 minutes each day and all the bits in between in which to squeeze opportunities to model, imitate and just talk, talk, talk.

It was tiring, but so well worth it. Isobel has turned into quite a little chatterbox, she hasn't stopped talking and singing since Cheryl left. We are getting more and more words out of her and longer phrases and sentences. We are just so excited by all of this.

She is continuing to do better in school, joining in on some of the class songs and 'reading' to her classmates. This involves her grabbing a random friend and sitting them on the carpet. She then chooses a book, sits on a chair and reads to them. This is story time type reading, holding out the book and pointing at the words and pictures. This continues until the friend wishes to 'escape' and play something else. At this point they are told to 'sit down', 'stop' and 'listen'!

We have really been working on her being able to say her friends names nice and clearly so she can find a non-physical way of getting their attention. By all accounts, this seems to be working and with some interpretation from her teacher, she is sharing and playing with her friends quite nicely.

Watching her play with her little sister for a brief moment this evening was lovely. They were building a tower and Isobel was able to clearly explain to Estella that the strip she wanted to attach was in fact too big because it had 4 sections. What she really needed was a 2 sectioned piece:

Isobel:  No Estella, too big
            See, four
Estella: Four
Isobel:  This one, two
Estella: Two, OK

And the tower was built! Isobel is getting quite good at helping her little sister out.

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