Wednesday 29 February 2012


I think we have hit a plateau. It was going to happen, things just can't keep going at break neck speed. It just isn't possible.

Isobel is continuing to progress with her AVT but the rate is slowing down. We are getting some more refined sounds, spontaneous talking and the following of instructions.It has however, got somewhat harder for Isobel now, and she is feeling the difficulties.

I can't let her see my mouth anymore when we do our little sessions together and so she can't rely on lip-reading. She is finding this most challenging and frustrating. She often pulls at my hands or whatever I am using to hide my lips. It is a coping strategy that she has been using for a long time and so it is difficult for her to break the habit of looking and to use her ears instead.

It is so difficult at times for me, I am her Mum and her teacher. The teacher inside knows that this is conditioning and we will get through it and have her use her ears. The Mum however just sees her little girl sad and angry and I feel quite guilty because I am causing it. It is a necessity though, and we must ride this storm. 

We shall keep going and hopefully, we shall get through this difficult patch and come out the other end stronger and hopefully a little bit wiser.

It wouldn’t be fun if it was too easy… right?


  1. Hang in there Sally - like anything truly worthwhile, it's going to be difficult. One day when she's older and can look back on this blog - she's going to be overwhelmed by what you are doing for her. You are an amazing mother and an amazing teacher. She is SO lucky to have you. And be patient with yourself! You're allowed to feel like this from time to time! :o)

    1. Thanks Lauren, trying to be patient, trying to be many things at the moment.

  2. Thinking of you. Can only imagine how hard it must be sometimes...

  3. Hang in there. She's used coping skills for so long-- hard to change and she's a little girl so probably doesn't totally understand what's happening. Being a mother isn't always easy. You all have been amazing---keep on, keeping on. Linda R.


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