Last Monday (13th August) we checked Isobel into the Children's Hospital at Severance in Seoul.
We got settled into the room, unpacked a few bits and got ready for the 'camping trip' that Isobel thought she was having.
We told her that she and Mummy were going on a camping trip and that she would also be getting a new special computer ear.
She was so very brave when I had to shave the hair around her ear. The nurse measured 3 cms around her ear and drew the shape on her scalp with a Biro. After reassuring her it wouldn't hurt, I set about shaving the hair up to the drawn line.
As if that wasn't enough for the first night,
she then had to have a skin test for antibiotics because she's allergic to penicillin.
She then spent the rest of the evening watching movies before falling asleep.
The next morning. bright and early, the nurse arrived to fit the IV and before we knew it we were off to the Operating Room. Then began the longest 2 hours of our lives.
We tried to have some breakfast and read a while but thoughts and concerns kept flooding back to our little girl on the operating table.
The minutes slowly ticked by until the screen finally read operation complete. The worst part was seeing her in the recovery room. Her throat and chest were clearly sore, and she had this awful dog bark cough. She was so very pale and she was feeling sorry for herself - and quite rightly too!
Next was an X-ray to check that everything had been inserted correctly (it had been) and then it was back to the ward for a little rest. After a couple of hours, she was allowed to nap if she wanted to, she didn't, and have a drink.
She was suffering from quite a bit of pain so the nurse gave her some pain killers. They seemed to take effect quite quickly because soon enough she was calming down and the colour was returning to her cheeks.
After a couple of hours, and a few bathrooms visits, she was walking around, dragging her IV around with her, back to her chatty, smiley self.
Early this morning a doctor visited to change the large bandage for a smaller dressing. This one was much better, much less itchy and Isobel clearly felt a lot more comfortable. She wanted to wear regular clothes and was quite excitable and bouncy.
Her wound was then inspected by the surgeon, it was fine with just a little swelling, and he showed me the X-ray. It was really cool to see the device and be able to count the electrodes in her cochlea. Amazing! Even more amazing, he said Isobel was doing so well she could go home this afternoon.
So, that's what we did.
It's good to be home...
What a brave girl! And what a brave Mummy and Daddy! Great to see photos of her looking happy after all she's been through. Keep us updated.