Friday 17 August 2012

Telling Friends

I am always trying to find different ways to make Isobel's journey a little smoother. Trying to think of scenarios that might happen and what can be done to help them be a little easier.

The transition back to school after the implantation surgery is one of these scenarios. How to explain everything to her little preschool friends and have them understand some of Isobel's behaviours and hearing problems.

I was looking for some kind of book that would explain to Isobel's friends how her hearing equipment works and the challenges she faces every day.

As always my first port of call are the children who are hard of hearing forums - they were full of super mums that had created wonderful scrapbooks, filled with photographs and beautiful hand written messages - true labours of love. Great memories but not really what I had in mind. 

Next port of call was Google -I struggled to find anything in the market, so I started to prepare myself for creating my own book, trying to ignore just how long it would take. Until one afternoon whilst aimlessly surfing I came across Experience Books

Online I adapted a character to look like Isobel and I clicked different criteria regarding her hearing equipment and difficulties she experiences. Also a really nice feature is listing different things she enjoys doing and what her everyday life is like.

We're looking forward to finding out what her friends at school make of it.


One of the pages from her book

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! It's a terrific little book and explains hearing loss well. Glad all is going well. Langston & Linda


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