Wednesday 4 January 2012

Brilliant News

We are having such a fabulous time with Isobel and the progress of her hearing. After our great AVT session last Friday, we had a quick discussion with our therapist about just how well Isobel was doing and what could she actually hear. She felt that because Isobel's progress has been so good in only 3 weeks of wearing hearing aids we should schedule a hearing test.

So, on Monday, we took Isobel to have a hearing test in the sound booth. Our hard work and practice really paid off, she was able to perform the test and did a great job. Today we met with Isobel's doctor who was able to tell us that with the hearing aids in Isobel can hear 35db in her right ear and 40db in her left. Unaided, she is 80/85db respectively. This is a dramatic improvement, enough he said, for the cochlear implant surgery not to be urgent. We have time!

What does this mean for us?

Well, it means that Isobel does not need to have any surgery at this current time. She is doing so well, that we will return the borrowed hearing aid, and purchase the matching 'ReSound' to replace it. We get this fitted on Wednesday, then she will have another hearing test in 3 weeks time to see how she is doing with them. They will continue to be tuned and altered to give her the best programme for hearing and speaking.

So, things will slow down for a spell, we have felt like everything has been going at break neck speed. Now with this news, we get a moment to breathe and be still for a little while.

AVT will continue each week, and our daily activities will take place, and hopefully Isobel will continue to show the same amount of progress as she has in the last few weeks. She may still have to have the implant, but the doctor says we have a year to see the progress she can make.

As I said, brilliant news! We couldn't be more happy...


  1. What marvelous news to begin the New Year! Isobel is a trouper! And it doesn't hurt to have two very dedicated excellent teachers as parents either. Linda & Langston

  2. I am happy to hear that Isobel past the test and Isobel has great parents who take care and help her get better.

  3. I am happy that Isobel past the test and is able to not have a surgery at this current time. She is a happy girl and at the same time very lucky. I am happy to hear everything about her.

    Get better



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