Monday 2 January 2012

Threading Vowels and Singing Songs

We had a great AVT session last Friday. Isobel sat for almost 50 minutes and worked through her known tasks and tried out a few new ones. She is listening really well and is making great progress with speaking lots of new words and sounds.

She is doing so well with the Ling Six sounds that we don't need to say them long and with intonation. We have to keep them short and say them at a regular speaking volume.

We have lots of new activities, one of them is to do with the three vowel sounds, a, o and e. They make up part of what is called the vowel triangle which charts vowels according to the position of the part of the tongue that is highest when they are said. Isobel has to hear and imitate a combination of 2 vowel sounds together.

We adapted our activity from earning jig-saw pieces and building a jig-saw to earning beads and threading them onto cords. It's still early days with this activity but she loves the beads and is making a good go at imitating the different vowel combinations.

We are continuing with our song 'Naughty Pussy Cat' and now we have 'See-Saw'.

'Naughty Pussy Cat,
You are very fat!
You have butter on your whiskers,
Naughty Pussy Cat!'

Up and down,
In the sky,
And on the ground!'

We have also got a bit more organised with all of our activities that we need to do each day. Being the teachers that we are, Nick and I have written ourselves a lesson plan for the week with a tick box we can proudly tick off when we have done that activity each day.

It's always nice to see a column of ticks at the end of the day.


  1. This so terrific!!! Seeing & hearing Isobel -- she is making such great progress with her sounds & words! Mom & Dad are doing a wonderful job of making it fun for her. All the best in 2012 -- praying for a successful surgery and quick recovery! Langston & Linda

  2. the therpy looks like its going whell


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